Seven GOOD Reasons to Trademark

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Entrepreneurs: 7 Good Reasons to Trademark!

Most countries in the world don’t recognise unregistered trademarks, but even those that do will require you to prove that:

1. Your brand is a trademark,
2. You own it!
3. It is known to a significant number of people in the geographical area where you claim protection.

Presumption Of Ownership!

A trademark registration certificate is all you need to prove that your brand is a trademark and that you own it.

Minimise Risk of Rebranding

With a registered trademark, you minimise the risk of receiving a demand letter claiming that your brand infringes on someone else trademark.

Minimise Risk Of Confusion

A registered trademark makes it a lot easier (and cheaper) to stop your competitors from using your brand. Last thing you want is for someone to leave bad reviews about your business after they have bought from your competitor who used your brand.

Maximise Value !

A trademark is a valuable business asset. It adds value to your business if you decide to sell, license, or franchise it.

Protection is Local

A registered trademark covers you across the country of registration.

Protection Before Use

The only way to protect a brand before launch is to apply for a trademark.

Your Brand Can be Found!

A registered (or even applied for) trademark will show up in the Trademarks Office database and will be cited against any future applications for a confusingly similar mark 🙂


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